Manufacture of speciality Nicotine solutions

Nic-Ex was formed in 2024 when a speciality division of the global Food Ingredients company Plant-Ex Ingredients Ltd was separated out to focus upon the manufacture of speciality Nicotine solutions which had grown to a point within Plant-Ex that further resource and investment were required.

Located in the South West of the UK, Nic-Ex works solely with pure Nicotine supplied by global market leader in Nicotine extraction Alchem International Pvt Ltd. Alchem are a world renowned life science and pharmaceutical ingredient organisation who have proven to manufacture arguably the most pure and consistent Nicotine in the world. Alchem are focussed upon Nicotine cultivation and extraction with a minimised environmental and social impact.

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Focused upon Quality, Purity and Reliability

Nic-Ex are focused upon Quality, Purity and Reliability, supplying variations of Nicotine dilutions and salts according to exacting specifications with a focus exclusively on the UK marketplace.

We are driven to provide our customers the highest level of service.

If you are a Vape manufacturer that requires consistency, highest quality Nicotine for your formulations Nic-Ex is truly a partner you can trust.